Our Mentors
Dr. Ravindra Balapure

M.E. ( Systems Engineering) Electrical Engg. Deptt. IIT Roorkee (formerly Univerity Of Roorkee) 1986
M.B.A.(H.R.) (Formerly Master of Industrial Relations & Personnel Management) Amravti University 1996
Ph.D. (Commerce,Management subject) Amravti University
I/C Chairman , M.S.Board of Vocational education examinations, Mumbai : 2 years
I/CDirector of Art education, Maharashtra : 2 years
I/C Jt Director, RMSA(Rashtriy Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan) School Education Deptt, Maharashtra State: 4 yrs
Mr. Raj Kapoor
Founder | India Blockchain Alliance, Chief Blockchain Advisor | Floyx, Top Blockchain Leader, International Keynote Speaker, Fintech & DeFi Afficionado, Start Up Mentor, Corporate Advisor and Student Mentor. TeDX Speaker
Mr. Bob Grover
Mr. Bob Grover began his STEM career in 1988. Since then he has been involved in the design, development and deployment of hundreds of STEM initiatives in the United States, the Middle East and North Africa, Asia and India. His current work focuses on the development of a new Arduino based product line that will make sensor-based science more approachable and affordable for students around the world.